The information below explains the collection procedure, cost options, what else to expect, and what we do when your results come in. There are also illustrations of what you’ll encounter in the sign-up procedure. Read through it. If you’re still interested, come back up and “proceed” to the right. 

Your sample will be collected via a cheek swab.  No blood required.  A swab kit will be sent to you.

The surname passes through the male line which also carries the Y-chromosome.  Y-DNA testing is what pertains to this  DNA Surname project.  We use Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) of Houston Texas as our lab. A single lab is needed to guarantee consistency of results and so that the results are all in one place for combined analysis. We are not in any way commercially affiliated with FTDNA, though. We are volunteers. FTDNA offers a discount to members of the Lindsay Surname DNA Project, so you would save money by purchasing via the JOIN procedure illustrated below.

FTDNA offers Y-DNA products (testings) at a selection of resolutions.  They’re listed below with current pricing (March 2018).  As with photography, the higher the resolution, the better the image. The more “markers” the lab examines (options are 12, 25, 37, 67 and 111), the more precisely we can place you on the family tree. FTDNA gives these estimates:

12-marker perfect matches are highly likely to be related within the past 29 generations. $ 59.00
25-marker perfect matches are highly likely to be related within the past 13 generations. $109.00
37-marker perfect matches are highly likely to be related within the past 8 generations. $149.00
67-marker perfect matches are highly likely to be related within the past 6 generations. $248.00
111-marker perfect matches are highly likely to be related within the past 4 generations. $339.00

“Likely to be related” means “distant cousins” at least. We have seen brothers with slight Y-111 differences, and we have 5th cousins who are perfect Y-111 matches. The process is not perfectly deterministic, but its effective.

Perfect matches at any level are uncommon. The battering ram against the “brick wall” are the participants who have tested at 111-markers and show only a handful of mismatches.

If you can afford 111, go for it. If that’s uncomfortable, then take a lower resolution test. You can order an upgrade down the road from your previously provided sample.

We have a system of L-number assignments. We don’t publicize names.

Elsewhere on this website you will find results and combined analytics from our well over 300 project participants. This goes back to the first round of testing in 2002. 

What to expect after you test:

When your Y-DNA results come back, if you “match” one or more of the other Lindsay participants, your DNA marker data will be organized with that particular DNA Grouping at the FTDNA web site. A match is considered to occur between two participants when there is roughly 90% agreement between their measured values.

At Y-37 that is taken to be 34 agreements out of 37.
At Y-67 it is taken to be 61 agreements out of 67.
At Y-111 it is taken to be 101 agreements out of 111.

That Grouping is your Lindsay “genetic family”. To understand where you fit, the intersection of genealogical lines must be investigated or pursued. We’ll need to know your line of paternal descent back as many generations as you can provide it. A volunteer will be in touch.

There is no guarantee that your Y-DNA will immediately match another participant, but it is likely you will. We have about 320 participants. A majority are grouped, but a few dozen are waiting for their undiscovered cousins to test.    That cousin might be you.

Here’s a screen capture of the banner of our Project page at FTDNA. When you get there, click the [JOIN] button. The button immediate left is just a picture. You’ll see the real button when you go back up to and click [PROCEED].

The [JOIN] button will take you to these options. If you’re new to FTDNA, then choose the option to the left.

(In passing…) to the left is the URL of our Lindsey-Lindsay Surname DNA Project with FTDNA. You can expect to visit there if you want to view your numerical results, or if you get notified of a new match, or if you want to follow their links for further learning…… We are one of many surname projects, and there are other types of projects — geographical projects, haplogroup projects (where genealogy gives way to anthropology). The group administrators are listed at the Project home page one link ago.       Keep reading….

Finally, choose the Y-DNA product that’s right for you.

You can click here if you don’t want to scroll back up to the top.